Technical and Descriptive Vocabulary | Present tense vocab

During Writing, we learnt about technical and descriptive vocabulary.

We also learnt about present tense words such as is, are, eat, etc.

Some examples of technical vocabulary is paws, tails, jaws, ridges etc.

Some words that are descriptive vocabulary is muscular, powerful, small, large etc.

There’s some more examples of these words in this document you can check out.

Animal Report

Copy of Animal Report Planning Template For writing I learnt to make a animal report. The animal I chose to make my animal report on is a Khao Manee. A Khao Manee is a special breed of a cat which is unique for it’s rare eye color.

Most Khao Manee have heterochromia which causes your eyes to be 2 different colors.

Not all Khao Manee have heterchromia but it is common.

If you want to know more about Khao Manee, check out my animal report and let me know what you think!

My Media

Today in Manaiakalani, we learnt about different types of media. This is all the media I’ve consumed in the last 24 hours.

Media is accessible to everyone, and anyone, despite their age. Media has become super accessible everywhere on mobile devices. Media is everywhere!

Take a look at my visual representation of Media and let me know what you think!


My Destinations On My Map


Today in Manakalani, we learned how to create a google map!

On my map, there’s directions on how to get to Rutherford Junior High School from Kedgley Intermediate. Both schools are pretty far from each other! Rutherford Junior High School is located in Whanganui Suburb of Gonville. Kedgley Intermediate is located in Auckland Mangere East.

Also on my map, there’s directions on how to get to one of my favourite bubble tea places in Botany! It’s around 20-30 minutes away from Kedgley Intermediate.

Take a look at my map and tell me what you think!

Speeches | Writing

Today for Writing, we presented our speeches that we’ve been working on for a couple of weeks.

I was second to last to present my speech and over all, I would say that it went pretty well and I firmly believe I mastered/achieved all 3 key competencies.

My speech topic was ‘The Importance of Leadership’ and I basically talked about the values of a leader.

Down below is my speech, a picture of me reciting my speech and the slides we used to create our speeches. You may look at all three.

I hope you like my speech!





Interland Kind Kingdom | Gameplay & Review

Today we played a very fun game called ‘Interland Kind Kingdom’.

The objective of the game is to get rid of all negative people around you and collecting hearts around the map to cheer people up.

The game’s purpose is to show what happens online when you come across a negative player. No you can’t delete them like in the game, but you can spread kindness to them. If they still respond with negativity, let a adult know as soon as possible and block them immediately.

The game also shows that when you spread kindness and have a positive mindset, others follow and do the same thing. Of course not everyone will be kind, but if more people are kind, they could think maybe being kind is a good thing if everyone is doing it so they can possibly follow.

Have a look at the game below. If your interested in playing, click on the link below the images. Have fun!